Dimple Aesthetic Operation in Turkey

Gamze Estetiği

Ortalama kalış süresi

7 Gün

Hastanede kalış süresi

1 Gün

Operasyon Süresi

1-2 Saat

Anestezi Türü

Genel Anestezi veya Lokal Anestezi

İyileşme süresi

1-2 Hafta

How is Dimple Surgery Performed?

Dimple surgery is a simple cosmetic procedure that creates dimples on the cheeks, chin, or back. Those who want to have dimple surgery in Turkey can have this procedure as an outpatient and under local anesthesia only.


The duration of dimple surgery is about half an hour on average. Before dimple surgery, your doctor will consult with you and mark your skin to determine the locations where the dimples will be formed. At this stage, you can share the details such as the size, shape, and position of the dimples with your doctor. Then the dimple surgery procedure can begin.


Your doctor will make a small incision on the inside of the cheeks or under the skin and remove a small amount of muscle and fat tissue. This will create a space in the skin and the skin will be pulled over this space to create the appearance of a dimple. Your doctor will stitch the space to fix it and the dimple surgery procedure will be completed.

Gamze Estetiği Nasıl Yapılır?

What to Pay Attention to After Dimple Surgery?

After dimple surgery, patients can usually return to their normal lives immediately. However, it may take a few weeks to see the result of dimple surgery. During this time, you should use the gargles recommended by your doctor to speed up the healing of the wound and reduce the risk of infection, and avoid alcohol and cigarette consumption. Dimple surgery may not always give the desired result. In some cases, the dimple formation may not be sufficiently pronounced because the skin is too thick or too thin. Also, weight changes can affect the appearance of the dimple. Therefore, it is important that you have reached your ideal weight before having dimple surgery.

How Does the Dimple Surgery Healing Process Progress?

The dimple surgery healing process is usually easy and trouble-free. Patients do not need to stay in the hospital. You can go home after the dimple surgery procedure and resume your normal activities in a short time. There may be some swelling and bruising in the dimple surgery area, but they will disappear on their own within a few days. Most of the people who have dimple surgery can return to their work or school within two days after the procedure. Your doctor may want to see you again a few weeks later for post-dimple surgery checks.

What are the Risks and Side Effects of Dimple Surgery?

Dimple surgery is a low-risk cosmetic procedure and rarely causes complications. However, like any surgical procedure, dimple surgery also carries some risks and side effects. Some of them are:
  • Bleeding or discharge in the surgery area,
  • Nerve damage or numbness,
  • Infection or inflammation,
  • Scar or asymmetry,
  • Dissatisfaction or regret.
If you notice excessive bleeding, discharge, or redness in the dimple surgery area, contact your doctor. These symptoms may indicate an infection. Infection, if not diagnosed and treated early, can spread to the bloodstream and cause serious health problems. Scar formation after dimple surgery is a rare but undesirable situation. Scar tissue can prevent or distort the natural appearance of the dimple. Also, you may not be satisfied or regret the result of dimple surgery. However, reversing the effects of dimple surgery is very difficult, so you should think well before having this procedure.

Who is Suitable for Dimple Surgery?

Dimple surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can be applied to people who do not have dimples or whose dimples are not noticeable. Those who want to have dimple surgery should have good general health, have elastic skin, have stable weight, and have realistic expectations. Dimple surgery can be done to create dimples on the face, chin, or back.


Those who want to have dimple surgery should have a detailed consultation with their doctor and determine the location, size, and shape of the dimples. Dimple surgery can make the facial expression and smile more attractive and sympathetic. However, dimple surgery is not a suitable procedure for everyone.

Before having dimple surgery, you should ask yourself the following questions:
  • Why do I want to have dimple surgery?
  • How do I want to look after dimple surgery?
  • How do I want to feel after dimple surgery?
  • How do I think others will look at me after dimple surgery?
  • Is there a possibility that I will regret having dimple surgery?

The answers to these questions can help you decide whether to have dimple surgery or not. If you are sure that you want to have dimple surgery, we at YND HEALTH are ready to offer you the best service. YND HEALTH, as a clinic specialized in dimple surgery in Turkey, offers you natural and aesthetic dimples. You can contact us for dimple surgery prices and appointments. Add a new expression to your face with dimple surgery.