Professional Tooth Extraction Procedures in Turkey
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Professional Tooth Extraction Procedures
Tooth extraction is one of the most common practices in dentistry. Both children and adults may need to have their teeth extracted for various reasons. If you are going to have tooth extraction for the first time, you may be curious about how this procedure is done.
You don’t need to worry, because tooth extraction is a simple and safe procedure. Your dentist will choose the appropriate anesthesia method for you and complete the tooth extraction procedure painlessly and quickly. However, to better understand the stages of tooth extraction, we recommend you to read the following information.
How is Tooth Extraction Procedure Done?
Your dentist will apply one of two different methods to extract your tooth, depending on the condition of your tooth. These methods are:
- Simple Extraction
This method is used for teeth that are easily visible and not difficult to extract in the mouth. Although the name of this method is simple, it requires your dentist to apply it professionally. In this method, your dentist uses a tool to separate your tooth from the gum. Then, he or she grasps your tooth with a forceps and gently pulls it out.
- Surgical Extraction
This method is used in cases where the tooth is difficult to extract. For example, your tooth may be broken, decayed, or stuck under the gum. In these cases, your dentist may have to perform a surgical intervention. In this method, your dentist cuts your gum to reach your tooth. If your tooth is too large or tightly attached, he or she may break your tooth into pieces and remove it.