What is PRP (Dermapen) and How is it Applied in Turkey?

PRP (Dermapen) Nedir ve Türkiye’de Nasıl Uygulanır?

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Lokal Anestezi

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What is PRP (Dermapen)?

PRP (Platelet rich plasma) or platelet-rich plasma is the process of separating the person’s own blood into sections with a special device and applying the plasma obtained to the skin with micro needles. PRP (Dermapen) method is an effective method for treating many skin problems such as skin rejuvenation, wound healing, hair loss. PRP (Dermapen) application is suitable for every age group who do not have autoimmune disease, pregnancy or lactation period. The number and interval of PRP (Dermapen) sessions are determined according to the doctor’s recommendation.

How is PRP (Dermapen) Done?

PRP (Dermapen) application follows these steps:
  • First, 10-20 ml of blood is taken from the person’s own blood and placed in a special tube.
  • This tube is rotated at high speed in a special device, allowing the blood to separate into sections. In this way, the platelets, growth factors and other cells in the blood are collected in the plasma.
  • The platelet-rich plasma obtained is taken with a sterile syringe and injected into the area to be applied on the skin.
  • Then, a device with micro needles on the skin, called Dermapen, is used to create many small holes on the skin. These holes allow the plasma to penetrate the skin better and the skin to renew itself.
  • PRP (Dermapen) application takes about 30-45 minutes and is done with local anesthesia. After the procedure, temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising may be seen on the skin. These side effects disappear within a few days.
PRP (Dermapen) Nasıl Yapılır?

What are the Benefits of PRP (Dermapen) Application?

PRP (Dermapen) application has many benefits. Some of them are:
  • It eliminates problems such as wrinkles, spots, sagging, acne scars on the skin and makes the skin look younger, brighter and healthier.
  • It stops hair loss and strengthens hair roots. It helps the hair to be more lush, voluminous and lively.
  • It heals skin damage such as wounds, burns, surgery scars and reduces the marks on the skin.
  • It increases the production of collagen and elastin in the skin and makes the skin tighter, more elastic and smoother.
  • It improves blood circulation and oxygenation in the skin and makes the skin look more vibrant and radiant.
  • Since it is obtained from the person’s own blood, it has no risks such as allergy, infection, tissue rejection.

What is the Cost of PRP (Dermapen) Application?

The cost of PRP (Dermapen) application varies depending on factors such as the area to be applied, the number of sessions, the clinic and the doctor. Türkiye’de PRP (Dermapen) uygulamasının ortalama maliyeti için bizimle iletişime geçin. PRP (Dermapen) application is not covered by health insurance.

Where Should I Apply for PRP (Dermapen) Application?

PRP (Dermapen) application should be done by doctors who specialize in dermatology, aesthetics and cosmetics. If you want to have PRP (Dermapen) application, you can find the nearest and reliable clinic and make an appointment. Before having PRP (Dermapen) application, you should have a detailed consultation with your doctor and discuss your expectations, health status, possible risks and results.


PRP (Dermapen) application is an effective and safe method to renew your skin and hair. For more information about PRP (Dermapen) application, you can visit our YND HEALTH clinic or check our website. YND HEALTH offers you service with an expert and experienced team in PRP (Dermapen) application. YND HEALTH performs PRP (Dermapen) application with quality materials and devices, in a sterile environment and at reasonable prices. YND HEALTH also provides free care and controls after PRP (Dermapen) application.


YND HEALTH is waiting for you to give your skin and hair a new life with PRP (Dermapen) application!