General surgeon

General surgery is a branch of science that deals with Surgical treatment of health problems that occur in different parts and systems of the body. Working General surgery in cooperation with other branches of medicine. General surgery is used, which can Diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, different surgical techniques for this purpose .

The main issues you deal with General surgery is :

✔ Thyroid gland diseases (goiter, hyperthyroidism)

✔Breast cancer

✔ Gastric cancer

✔ Pancreatic cancer

✔Liver cancer

✔Gallbladder diseases




Areas of interest in general surgery

Thyroid Diseases

Thyroid diseases The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ It is located in the neck area in front of the larynx. Its weight is about 15 – 25 grams .

The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones into the blood .

Thyroid Cancer

It is a type of cancer that occurs as a result of cancer cells Thyroid . Thyroid cancers usually appear as a lump or lump in the neck In the thyroid gland. Most cases of thyroid cancer are completely treated with surgery Treatment with radioactive iodine does not affect the patient’s life .

Hypothyroidism is twice as common in women as in men . However, the cause is not completely known .

Thyroid cancer does not cause any symptoms in most patients . But sometimes there may be symptoms such as swelling in the neck, hoarseness, and enlargement Lymph nodes. In very rare cases, symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, or Hand tremors, irregular heartbeat, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, or dehydration Skin, diarrhea, or constipation .

The thyroid gland, thyroid gland and glands are removed Surgically surrounding lymph nodes. After surgery, a high dose of treatment is applied With radioactive iodine in special protected rooms depending on the type of cancer the patient has. Trying this Treatment destroys cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body .

In some types of cancer, radiotherapy may also be performed And chemotherapy after surgery .


A larger thyroid than normal, called a goiter. maybe See goiter at any age. It is more common in women than in men .

The most common symptoms of goiter are :

✔ Swelling In the throat

✔ Difficulty swallowing

✔ Sudden weight loss

✔ Rapid weight gain

✔ Increase Heart rate (tachycardia heart ) ,

✔ Bulging eyes (exophthalmos)

✔ Constipation

✔ Dryness Skin

✔ falling out the hair

The causes of goiter growth are :

✔ Iodine deficiency

✔ Hyperthyroidism: occurs when The thyroid gland secretes too little or too much of the hormone. Excess hormone It causes hyperthyroidism .

✔ Doctrine

✔ Thyroid cancer

✔ Thyroiditis

✔ In goiter surgery, it is performed Removing part or all of the thyroid gland, leaving no thyroid tissue left in the body .

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women . It can also be seen in very rare cases in men.

Genetic factors such as age, gender, first menstrual period, and age Hopelessness, the number of births, and the number of miscarriages are effective in breast cancer.

Breast cancer symptoms are listed below:

✔ Obvious hardness or swelling in the breast or Armpit

✔ Secretions From the nipple

✔ Collapse, deformity or change in the nipple

✔ Changes In the skin of the nipple such as flaking and flaking

✔ Wounds Or redness or inflammation of the breast skin

✔ Swelling, edema and shrinkage of the breast skin Inside (orange peel appearance)

✔ Inflation Breast deformity, asymmetry or Changed color

Surgical methods are generally preferred in treating breast cancer. And with However, methods such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and treatment can also be applied Hormonal treatment alone or with surgery .

The choice of treatment is determined by the grade of the tumor and the type of cancer Whether it has spread to other places and whether menopause has occurred. Split Surgical procedures are divided into two main groups: breast-conserving treatment or mastectomy Full breast .

Breast reconstruction in cases where the breast needs to be removed Entirely due to breast cancer, a new breast can be created using plastic surgery methods . This procedure is called breast reconstruction .

Gastric cancer

Stomach cancer is the most common type of cancer after cancer Lung. About 10% of cancer patients develop stomach cancer .

Nutrition plays a major role in the emergence of stomach cancer. In addition In addition, genetic factors can also cause stomach cancer. It does not cause stomach cancer Symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, endoscopy should be performed on people in the group vulnerable .

Endoscopy is the most reliable method in diagnosing cancer Stomach. In treating stomach cancer, the stomach is surgically removed. Depending on the type Cancer: Radiotherapy and chemotherapy may also be given after surgery .

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a very serious disease and difficult to treat. It’s dangerous The incidence of pancreatic cancer is higher in men than in women. Smoking, alcohol and pattern An irregular lifestyle also increases the chances of developing pancreatic cancer .

Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer whose symptoms appear late It is difficult to diagnose early. It often manifests itself in loss of appetite and feeling tired. In some Sometimes nausea and vomiting may occur. Another symptom of pancreatic cancer is jaundice . In treating pancreatic cancer, there are options such as surgery, radiotherapy or therapy The chemist .

Liver Cancer

Causes of liver cancer include hepatitis B and C viruses , excessive alcohol use, and sometimes iron deficiency. Patients with liver cancer suffer from Symptoms such as loss of appetite, fatigue, yellowing of the skin, weight loss and fluid accumulation in Abdominal bloating and rapid fatigue .

In the treatment of liver cancer, methods such as therapy are used Radiation, chemotherapy, and cryotherapy (a method of destroying untreated tissue). Natural by freezing), injecting the drug into the tumor, and as a last resort, transplantation is used Liver .

Gallbladder Diseases

The gallbladder’s function is to store the bile fluid it produces Liver. When we feel hungry, the bile collected in the gallbladder is concentrated and stored here . When we eat, the gallbladder contracts and sends bile to the intestines, ensuring the digestion of fats .

Gallbladder Polyp

Gallbladder polyps are benign tumors in the gallbladder. In polyps Gallbladder, if the size of the polyp is 20 mm or more, the risk of turning into cancer is High .

In gallbladder polyp surgery, the polyp can not only be removed, but also The entire gallbladder organ must be removed. Nowadays, gallbladder surgeries are performed Laparoscopically .

Gallbladder Stone

Gallstones form when the balance of substances in the gallbladder is disturbed Gallbladder. The type and size of gallstones varies .

Gallstones usually begin to appear between the ages of 30-40 years and becomes more common with age. Aging and obesity increase the incidence of infection With gallstones. Most people with gallstones have no complaints .

However, sometimes the following symptoms may occur: Pain In the upper right abdomen, extending to the back, bloating, and nausea. Stones Bitterness can lead to cancer. Therefore, surgery is recommended for patients who have stones Greater than 2 cm whether they have symptoms or not .


Pancreatitis Pancreatitis means inflammation Pancreas. Common symptoms include :


✔Severe and widespread abdominal pain
✔Nausea and vomiting
✔ Jaundice
✔ Feeling ill and having low blood pressure
✔ Fever
✔ High pulse


Treatment of pancreatitis Pancreatitis is an inflammation Pancreas. Pancreatitis attacks can range from mild to severe. Different Treatment options also depend on the severity of the attacks.

In the past, surgery was preferred in treating inflammation Pancreas. However, today, drug therapy, intensive care support, And surgery when necessary .


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus or anal area Varicose veins. Another name for hemorrhoids is hemorrhoids .

The most common symptom of hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. In addition In addition, rectal protrusion, itching, or pain are also common symptoms .

Hemorrhoids, non-surgical methods should be tried first. if it was These methods are not sufficient, surgery may be an option .


Hernias are swellings that occur as a result of weakness and tearing of the internal layers For the abdominal muscles. Hernias can be painful and lead to serious complications, such as compression Intestines or gangrene .

Hernias do not heal or shrink on their own. There are kinds Various types such as inguinal , femoral, and umbilical hernias. These are the most common hernias In the field of general surgery. The most common symptoms of a hernia are swelling, pain, and redness Nausea and vomiting .

The most dangerous condition of a hernia is strangulation. Strangulation is the interruption of blood flow To the internal organs due to narrowing of the hernia sac. In this case, it slows down blood flow in vessels, the organ part swells and gangrene may develop. If gangrene occurs in the intestines, Perforation and peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal membrane) may occur. Symptoms of choking include vomiting Abdominal pain, bloating and constipation. In the event of drowning, immediate surgery is required .

Hernia surgeries can be performed in two main ways. The first is The open or classic method, which is made by making an external incision in the thigh area Where the hernia is located. The second is the endoscopic method. In the laparoscopic method, a A small camera in the abdomen to photograph and repair hernias .

Diagnostic methods used in surgery the public

The main methods used to perform diagnostics in the field General surgery is :

✔ X-ray

✔ CT (Computed Tomography)

✔MR Imaging


✔ Biopsy


X-rays are a quick and painless method used to view Body structures, especially bones .

When X-rays pass through your body, they are absorbed in small amounts Different depending on the severity .

Dense materials such as bone and metal appear white In x-rays. Air in the lungs appears black. Fat and muscle appear In shades of grey .

CT (Computed Tomography)

Computed tomography is a special method for imaging tissues The organs in your body are divided into sections using X-rays .

More detailed information about head trauma can be obtained Brain tumors and other brain diseases using computed tomography compared Ordinary X-rays .

Bones, soft tissues, and vessels may also be imaged Blood circulation using computed tomography .

MR Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging, that is, resonance imaging Magnetic is a radiation-free diagnostic method that does not use potentially harmful radiation Such as x-rays .

MRI is a method that provides successful results, Especially for soft tissue imaging. In an MRI, an image is created Using radio frequency waves in a strong magnetic field .

Because MRI provides better images For soft tissue, it can identify cancerous areas that cannot be detected using Other diagnostic methods .


Ultrasound is a method used to view Organs inside the body through sound waves. These sound waves are emitted at a frequency Too loud for the human ear to hear .

When sound waves are sent to the body, each… Different reflection rate fabric. In this way, different images of tissues and organs appear on a screen Ultrasound device .

Thanks to this technique it is possible to determine the presence and location of non-invasive tissue Natural diseases such as cysts and tumors. Doppler ultrasonography is used to detect blood flow Inside blood vessels and the diseases that affect them .

This technology also relies on sound waves, but with… Blood moves, changes in sound frequencies occur. These changes provide information about speed And the direction of blood flow .


A biopsy is a procedure in which a small piece of tissue is taken from body and examined under a microscope. The biopsy sample provides detailed information about the tissue taken . Biopsies are usually performed when there is a sign of disease. For example, if If the patient suffers from an unexplained swelling, mass, or tumor in his body, a biopsy must be performed To find out what it is .


Positron emission tomography (PET CT) is one of the most advanced imaging techniques today. It is used for diagnosis and staging Treatment outcomes and radiotherapy planning for many types of cancer, especially lung cancer Colon, head and neck, and lymphomas. Using PET CT , it can be determined whether cancer cells are benign or malignant and where Its spread in the body .


Mammography is a method of visualizing breast tissue X-ray. Through mammography, the location and characteristics of masses can be determined Suspicious breasts. Mammography is commonly used to detect breast cancer .

It is recommended that women over the age of 40 perform the procedure Regular mammograms every year .